Explore a cozy nook of the Amazon
Set up camp, walk the nearby tracks and enjoy the beauty of the rainforest at your own pace.

Keep a nature journal
Keep track of your daily objectives in the nature journal. Examine wildlife and take photos to journal your observations.
Search for hidden creatures
As a butterfly researcher, you also need to search for mushrooms, frogs, flowers and other rainforest life.

Befriend a Capybara
During your trip you will encounter all kinds of creatures and plant life. Slowly build a friendship with a shy Capybara and discover her secret!

Games inspired by the natural world.
Runaway Play is an award-winning, independent game developer and publisher based in Dunedin, a beautiful city in New Zealand surrounded by nature. We build games inspired by the natural world, to promote kaitiakitanga (conservation) and māramatanga (awareness) of our natural environment.